
Microneedling is used to improve the appearance of a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin texture. The treatment can be performed on the face, neck, chest, and other areas of the body.


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • $200

Microneedling with Exosome Regenerative Complex (ERC)

At Ulala we can add ERC to your treatment which can help with tissue regeneration, is anti-inflammatory and has the potential to be used to treat a variety of conditions, such skin aging, and tissue damage.


  • add $ 150 to microneedling cost

(** call or follow us in Instagram to know about discounts and offers **)

Microneedling Q & A

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a small device with tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin's surface. The device, known as a dermaroller or microneedling pen, creates small punctures in the skin, which triggers the body's natural healing response and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

During a microneedling treatment, we will typically apply a numbing cream to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. The microneedling device is then passed over the skin several times, creating tiny punctures in the skin's surface. After the treatment, the skin may appear red or slightly swollen, but this typically resolves within a few hours to a few days.

Patients with certain skin conditions or who are taking certain medications may not be good candidates for the treatment. We evaluate an individual's skin type and condition to determine if microneedling is a suitable option for you

While you do not need to take time off work or avoid your normal activities after microneedling, it is recommended to avoid direct sun exposure, strenuous exercise, and harsh skincare products for a few days to help the skin heal properly. It's also important to keep the treated area clean and well-moisturized to prevent infection and promote healing.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:

1. If you have active acne in area of treatment please call to reschedule.

2. Please arrive with fully cleansed skin: no makeup, moisturizers, perfume, cologne, or any other products on the skin.

3. Avoid Retin-A, retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, hydroquinone and benzyl peroxide 3 days prior to treatment.

4. Topical numbing crème will be applied pre-treatment. Notify us of any medication allergies.

5. No sun exposure, tanning beds, self-tanning products for three days prior to the procedure. Procedure will be canceled if you are sunburned.

6. None of the following can be used or performed two weeks prior to treatment: chemical peels, waxing, and chemical depilatories.

7. Do not shave the treated area the day of the procedure.

8. Bring a hat and scarf day of procedure to wear after your treatment.

After microneedling, it is important to follow these post-treatment instructions:

1. Avoid direct sun exposure and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for at least one week after the treatment.

2. Avoid applying makeup, skincare products, and other topical agents to the treated area for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

3. Avoid using any exfoliating or abrasive skincare products, including scrubs and acids, for at least one week after the treatment.

4. Avoid taking hot baths, showers, or using hot tubs for 24-48 hours after the treatment.

5. Avoid swimming in pools or the ocean for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

6. Do not pick or scratch at the treated area, as this can cause further damage to the skin and increase the risk of infection.

7. Keep the treated area clean and moisturized with a gentle, non-irritating moisturizer.

8. Avoid applying any harsh chemicals or topical agents that may irritate the skin.

9. Avoid direct contact with pets or any other potential sources of bacteria for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

It is normal to experience some redness, swelling, and mild discomfort after microneedling, which should subside within a few days. If you experience any unusual or severe symptoms, such as excessive swelling, bleeding, or signs of infection, contact us immediately.