Chemical Peels

Uncover your skin's true potential with VI Peels – the premier solution in advanced chemical peel technology! Renowned for its unique blend of powerful ingredients, VI Peels are designed to address a variety of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne and hyperpigmentation. Whether you're aiming for a youthful glow or a clear, blemish-free complexion, our tailor-made peels provide safe, effective, and fast results. Each treatment is customized to your skin type and goals, ensuring a rejuvenating experience with minimal downtime. Join the countless individuals who have transformed their skin with VI Peels and step into a world of radiant, confident beauty.

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VI Peels – Six Unique Formulations:

VI Peel Original - Tone and Texture

• For First Time Corrective Peel Clients
• Sensitive Skin
• Early Signs of Aging (Ages 20+)
• Rough Texture
• Maintenance Peel


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • $250

VI Peel Advanced - Fine Lines and Wrinkles

• Aging Skin (Ages 40+)
• Wrinkles
• Fine Lines
• Loss of Elasticity


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • $350

VI Peel Precision Plus – Skin Discoloration

• UV-Induced Pigmentation
• Sun Damage
• Melasma
• Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • $375

VI Peel Purify – Active Acne & Oily Skin

• Active Acne
• Breakout-Prone Skin
• Oily and Congested Skin
• Teen Acne


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • $300

VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus – Acne & Acne Scarring

• Excessive Oil
• Acne with Hyperpigmentation
• Acne Scarring
• Hormonal Acne
• Adult Acne


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • $375

VI Peel Body – Acne & Skin Discoloracion

• Sun Damage
• Body Acne
• Surgical Scars
• Stretch Marks


  • 1 hr

  • Price:

  • Depending on area

Chemical Peels Q & A

Chemical peels are non-surgical aesthetic treatments used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face or body. They work by applying a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is typically smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin, leading to a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance

Peels improve a number of conditions including, but not limited to: wrinkles, acne scarring, scarring, uneven pigment, and sunspots. They are also good for rejuvenating rough and aged skin. There are a variety of solutions intended to address specific conditions and degrees of damage. Depending on the extent of correction needed, the depth and intensity of the chemical peel can be adjusted, addressing mild to severe cases.

The VI Peel is a type of chemical peel that is known for being less painful compared to traditional deep peels, but it's important to note that individual experiences can vary. It's designed to be gentle yet effective, making it a popular choice for those seeking improvements in skin texture, tone, and appearance without significant discomfort or downtime.

During the VI Peel treatment, you may experience sensations such as tingling, itching, or a mild burning. These sensations are generally well-tolerated and are often described as less intense than what one might experience with more aggressive chemical peels. The VI Peel solution contains a blend of ingredients, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, retinoic acid, phenol, and vitamins, which work together to minimize discomfort while effectively treating the skin.

After the application of the peel, these sensations typically subside. In the days following the treatment, you can expect the skin to start peeling, which is a normal part of the process as the outer layers of damaged skin are shed to reveal newer, healthier skin underneath.

After a VI Peel, you can generally expect minimal downtime, but it's important to be aware of how your skin might look and feel in the days following the treatment. The VI Peel is designed to be a gentler chemical peel, allowing for a more comfortable experience compared to deeper peels. Here's what you can typically expect:

- Immediate Post-Peel Period: Right after the peel, your skin may appear slightly red or tan, which is normal. Most people can return to their daily activities immediately after the peel without any significant downtime.

- Peeling Process: The actual peeling usually begins around the second or third day after the treatment. This process can last anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on your skin type and the specifics of the peel. During this time, the outer layers of damaged skin will flake and peel off, revealing new, rejuvenated skin beneath.

- Appearance During Peeling: The peeling can be noticeable, so some individuals prefer to take a few days off from work or social activities due to the appearance of their skin. It's primarily a cosmetic concern rather than a medical one.

-Skincare and Sun Protection: Following the post-peel instructions is crucial for optimal results and skin health. This typically includes using a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and most importantly, a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the new skin. Avoiding direct sun exposure is critical, as the new skin is very sensitive to the sun and can easily be damaged.

- Restrictions: You'll be advised to avoid certain activities that could interfere with the healing process, such as strenuous exercise, swimming, or using hot tubs, as well as avoiding exfoliating products and practices until your skin has fully healed.

While the VI Peel is designed for reduced downtime, individual experiences can vary. Some people might find that their skin recovers quickly, while others might have a slightly longer healing process. It's important to follow the specific aftercare instructions provided by Ulala and to contact us if you have any concerns or unusual reactions following the peel.

The number of VI Peel treatments needed can vary depending on various factors, including your specific skin concerns, the severity of those concerns, and your desired outcome. In many cases, individuals see noticeable improvements after just one VI Peel treatment. However, for optimal and long-lasting results, a series of treatments spaced about 4-6 weeks may be recommended.

As a general guideline, VI Peel recommend the following number of treatments per condition:

1. Tone and Texture – 1 to 2 treatments

2. Fine lines and wrinkles – 2 to 3 treatments

3. Active Acne – 3 to 4 treatments

4. Acne scarring – 3 to 4 treatments

5. Melasma and sun damage – 4 to 5 treatments

After you treatment, we will provide you an after care kit with all the supplies you will need to take care of the treated area. We will provide also a sheet with all the instructions you will need to follow each day. In you prefer to follow the instruction and track your progress in your phone, VI Peel has an app that you can download.